I'll do classic series tomorrow, along with a full list of episode titles for series 4.
5 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!
1. Voyage of the Damned. It just rules.
2. Human Nature/The Family of Blood. This almost rules, but Voyage rules more.
3. Blink. I love the scary ones!
4. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. Easily the best story of Series 2.
5. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways. Daleks! lots and lots and lots and lots of Daleks!!!!!
6. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Steven Moffat rules.
7. The Unquiet Dead. Stellar telly
8. The Shakespeare Code. I'm looking forward to the Unicorn and the Wasp, also written by Gareth Roberts...
9. Tooth and Claw. Werewolves rule.
10. Gridlock. Because it was so cool.
Four things from series 4 below. I really want to know who that devilishly handsome guy in the bottom right hand corner is...
I've also found a DW fansite that's quite good. Click here.
Also, two cool DW music vids on You tube. Click here and here.
It's almost killing me waiting for the new series!!!!
You can't simply justify each episode's ranking by saying every one is 'cool'.
By the way how much of the classic series have you seen? That list ought to be interesting.
DoogleFlip (Updated )
It's just they all rule!!!!
I've seen 15 Tom Bakers, 4 john pertwees, 3 william hartnells and 1 peter davison